Myanmar Tourism

Myanmar is a small country neighboring India on the south of Asia it is a well-known tourist attraction due to its many cultures and antiques to display to the world this place is an affordable place to visit and if you are into the Asian culture in a whole you will really like it.
The area has endless sites that you can be able to visit since it has small towns and also it has a large city where the culture is saturated and you can be able to see the beautiful sceneries that are gifted by nature.
It also has physical features and animals like elephants that are only available in the area and are also available to be seen by the many numbers of tourists who visit the area this destination also has a lot of places and hotels that one can rest after a long day of site seeing.
The area does not only support tourism activities like hiking and sports are available and for people who are Buddhist or practice the religion of Buddhism, this is the area to go since there are endless temples and shrines that you can visit and learn more about Buddhism.
There locations like the Inle lake where you can go and visit this myanmar holidays area is very famous due to the activity of fishing you can visit the area and you can be able to see the area is also a bicycle cycling heaven since there are a lot of cyclists located in this area. The location also has a Buddhist temple.
Kalaw is another beautiful area not to miss out on this is an area where you can be able to see the elephants and also you can be able to view the vicinity by hiking this area is famous for its hiking grounds and also the beautiful Buddhist temples.
Thandwe is an irresistible place to go this is because of its beautiful beaches and the beautiful resorts that are located on the beach sides this is famous for their delicious delicacies that they serve in their area this makes it a place not to miss when you visit the yangon tours area.
Pindaya is also a place you should go if you are going to visit Myanmar this is because it has a lot of areas to go and view hence you can be able to see a lot of things, for instance, this place has caves and also it has lakes and a beautiful Buddhist temple.